One of the patients at Suakoko.
Caring For Leprosy Patients
Leprosy is a disease of the central nervous system caused by a very slow-growing bacteria. As the disease progresses, the sensations of touch, pain, and pressure are decreased or lost, which inevitably leads to injuries, infections, and often to amputations.
Still largely shunned by society, lepers find it difficult to fully participate in community life - many lead lives of poverty and isolation.
Since 2015 Kwatekeh Africa has been providing food and essential items (bathing soap, laundry soap, etc.) to our patients. For those that are too old or too weak to fully care for themselves, Kwatekeh staff members cook for them each day, clean their homes, wash their clothes and assist them in bathing. Kwatekeh also renovated their houses in 2016 and 2017 - putting on new roofs, ceilings, doors, windows and a fresh coat of paint. And we are constantly monitoring their health and offering the medical care they need.
For those who have lived difficult lives, the safe dry, comfortable homes, daily food and medical interventions that Kwatekeh has provided, have been welcome gifts for which they continually offer up their thanks.
Registered Nurse, Sumo Kezele, consulting with patients.