Why We Do This

... "To see people restored to being what God created them to be: people who understand that they are created in the image of God with the gifts, abilities, and capacity to make decisions and to effect change in the world around them; and people who steward their lives, communities, resources, and relationships in order to bring glory to God." (Steve Corbett & Brian Fikkert - When Helping Hurts

Our job then is to help and encourage that process along and to do what we can to provide resources and opportunities for the people we serve in Liberia.

In response to the question "Who is my neighbor?" Jesus relates the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10. And in the telling of the story it becomes obvious that my neighbor is any person who has a need that I have been made aware of, regardless of any other qualification. In an age of instant communication and information, Liberians are our neighbors, and even from 5,000 or so miles away, we can make a difference in their present and future lives.
